Individual Results

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Team Results

Year Name Last Name Team Rider Gender Category Team Gender Leg Leg Time Leg Rank by Race Team Time Team Rank by Category Team Rank by Race Number of Team Rider Status
1999 David Merhib Red Hot Tomatoes Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:43:49 14 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Sean Kinnard Red Hot Tomatoes Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:27:50 21 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Donna Snyder Red Hot Tomatoes Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:24:16 93 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Philip Clark Red Hot Tomatoes Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:09:08 19 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Teresa Giovannoni Red Hot Tomatoes Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:43:06 59 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Jennifer Perdergraft Red Hot Tomatoes Female 8 Person Mixed 6 01:13:56 108 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Nicole Bassett Red Hot Tomatoes Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:33:23 73 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Jonathan Jeffries Red Hot Tomatoes Male 8 Person Mixed 8 01:03:55 14 1899-12-31 10:19:23 29 106 179
1999 Stephen Osborne Over-the-Hill Male 4 Person Mens 41 02:33:40 41 10:19:25 18 107 179
1999 Larry West Over-the-Hill Male 4 Person Mens 42 02:53:36 54 10:19:25 18 107 179
1999 Daryl Finlayson Over-the-Hill Male 4 Person Mens 43 01:52:46 2 10:19:25 18 107 179
1999 Gregory Heming Over-the-Hill Male 4 Person Mens 44 02:59:23 56 10:19:25 18 107 179
1999 Vern Marshall Philippe's Penny For Things Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:55:01 80 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Michael Roberts Philippe's Penny For Things Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:31:51 33 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Louie Marshall-Beauchamp Philippe's Penny For Things Male 8 Person Mixed 3 01:08:32 46 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Leah Van Dyk Philippe's Penny For Things Female 8 Person Mixed 4 01:17:38 54 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Adam MacCannell Philippe's Penny For Things Male 8 Person Mixed 5 01:30:58 26 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Nicole Charles Philippe's Penny For Things Female 8 Person Mixed 6 01:05:20 89 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Heather Berry Philippe's Penny For Things Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:37:20 85 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Philippe LeBlonde Philippe's Penny For Things Male 8 Person Mixed 8 01:13:48 51 1899-12-31 10:20:28 30 108 179
1999 Steve Paustian Screaming Eagles Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:40:23 6 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Jim McAllister Screaming Eagles Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:30:27 27 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Dave Williams Screaming Eagles Male 8 Person Mixed 3 01:13:06 62 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Kathleen Morse Screaming Eagles Female 8 Person Mixed 4 01:24:43 71 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Alice Tiernan Screaming Eagles Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:28:51 22 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Jim Fincher Screaming Eagles Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:50:32 19 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Jim Caplan Screaming Eagles Male 8 Person Mixed 7 01:37:54 86 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Patty Zimmerman Screaming Eagles Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:34:47 90 1899-12-31 10:20:43 31 109 179
1999 Lene Nielsen Go Four Girls Female 4 Person Womens 41 02:32:54 39 10:21:15 5 110 179
1999 Donna Dunn Go Four Girls Female 4 Person Womens 42 02:44:39 52 10:21:15 5 110 179
1999 Lynn Meehan Go Four Girls Female 4 Person Womens 43 02:25:38 36 10:21:15 5 110 179
1999 Inge Sumanik Go Four Girls Female 4 Person Womens 44 02:38:04 45 10:21:15 5 110 179
1999 Brock Coulthard Yukon Electrical Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:00:00 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 Hannah Yukon Electrical Female 8 Person Mixed 2 02:30:15 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 Cass McCollum Yukon Electrical Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:55:15 111 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 Grant Horte Yukon Electrical Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:02:29 6 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 Rena Yukon Electrical Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:39:43 48 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 Rex Brown Yukon Electrical Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:48:39 11 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 James Grattan Yukon Electrical Male 8 Person Mixed 7 01:13:39 13 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 Jenny Yukon Electrical Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:11:22 43 10:21:22 32 111 179
1999 Monica Leask Grizzly 8-Tracks Female 8 Person Mixed 1 00:46:54 34 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 Malcolm Campbell Grizzly 8-Tracks Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:31:05 31 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 Jodi Laluk Grizzly 8-Tracks Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:19:31 82 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 Rod Jacob Grizzly 8-Tracks Male 8 Person Mixed 4 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 John Laluk Grizzly 8-Tracks Male 8 Person Mixed 5 06:30:37 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 Scott Niblock Grizzly 8-Tracks Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:56:14 43 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 Anne-Marie Phillips Grizzly 8-Tracks Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:30:07 65 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 Megan Filmer Grizzly 8-Tracks Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:25:05 83 1899-12-31 10:22:03 33 112 179
1999 Sean Stark Gears and Beers Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:44:05 17 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 Dustin Heffner Gears and Beers Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:24:40 13 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 Ty Heffner Gears and Beers Male 8 Person Mixed 3 00:55:40 5 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 Hilary Walkley Gears and Beers Female 8 Person Mixed 4 01:33:48 84 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 Jennifer Dale Gears and Beers Female 8 Person Mixed 5 02:08:20 98 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 Shereen Taylor Gears and Beers Female 8 Person Mixed 6 00:53:51 32 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 Catherine Black Gears and Beers Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:30:18 67 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 Chris Thomas Gears and Beers Male 8 Person Mixed 8 01:11:40 45 1899-12-31 10:22:22 34 113 179
1999 John Walsh 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:53:53 77 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Laura Prentice 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Female 8 Person Mixed 2 01:39:00 50 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Jonathan Parker 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Male 8 Person Mixed 3 01:10:01 53 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Toby Sanger 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:13:54 39 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Nancy Campbell 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Female 8 Person Mixed 5 02:00:24 91 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Pamela Muir 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Female 8 Person Mixed 6 00:49:32 14 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Mary Rae Cafferty 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:29:05 58 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Heather LeDuc 8 Magnificent Tired Byrocrats Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:08:14 32 1899-12-31 10:24:03 35 114 179
1999 Matt Cornish Lifestyles Eight Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:55:02 81 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Jeff Lenes Lifestyles Eight Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:43:34 61 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Janet Arntzen Lifestyles Eight Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:42:29 108 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Jeremy Roscoe Lifestyles Eight Male 8 Person Mixed 4 00:32:47 2 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Elaine Meighen Lifestyles Eight Female 8 Person Mixed 5 02:04:18 92 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Jamie Furniss Lifestyles Eight Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:46:41 4 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Susan Osmond Lifestyles Eight Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:29:13 60 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Rick Matthews Lifestyles Eight Male 8 Person Mixed 8 01:11:08 40 1899-12-31 10:25:12 36 115 179
1999 Tom O'Hara The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 1 00:47:16 35 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Gary Hewitt The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 2 01:54:44 82 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Bill Curtiss The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 3 01:06:35 40 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Werner Himmelsbach The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 4 01:31:58 81 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Robert Clark The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 5 01:40:11 51 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Dave Griffiths The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 6 00:53:50 31 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Al Fozard The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 7 01:24:59 49 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Chris Toleman The Millenium Men Male 8 Person Mens 8 01:06:36 21 10:26:09 14 116 179
1999 Sherillynne Himmelsbach Cycomaniacs Female 8 Person Mixed 1 00:45:00 21 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Dave Croft Cycomaniacs Male 8 Person Mixed 2 02:00:09 89 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Lois Luke Cycomaniacs Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:15:51 73 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Rob Fendrick Cycomaniacs Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:26:11 74 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Debra Fendrick Cycomaniacs Male 8 Person Mixed 5 01:40:09 50 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Rick Ward Cycomaniacs Male 8 Person Mixed 6 02:07:08 112 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Deb van de Wetering Cycomaniacs Female 8 Person Mixed 7 00:03:31 1 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Mike Onesi Cycomaniacs Male 8 Person Mixed 8 01:09:18 33 1899-12-31 10:27:17 37 117 179
1999 Eric Robinson Bonaventure Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:44:36 18 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Rob Rees Bonaventure Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:34:57 41 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Hanne Kohler-Hoefs Bonaventure Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:19:20 80 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Rob McClure Bonaventure Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:09:12 20 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Tish Platt Bonaventure Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:50:07 74 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Bona Cameron-Lambert Bonaventure Female 8 Person Mixed 6 01:02:00 86 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Marian Bos Bonaventure Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:22:35 35 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Cindy Birnie Bonaventure Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:24:55 82 10:27:42 38 118 179
1999 Amanda Ryder Spike 'N Bike Female 8 Person Mixed 1 01:03:07 99 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Kevin Monagle Spike 'N Bike Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:37:47 47 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Randee Gerke Spike 'N Bike Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:07:15 44 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Becky Robertson Spike 'N Bike Female 8 Person Mixed 4 01:40:34 96 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Keith Bleakley Spike 'N Bike Male 8 Person Mixed 5 01:21:10 10 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Eric Prestegard Spike 'N Bike Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:55:01 38 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Grace Gorman Spike 'N Bike Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:35:03 79 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Russ Carey Spike 'N Bike Male 8 Person Mixed 8 01:09:50 35 1899-12-31 10:29:47 39 119 179
1999 Nancy Potts Ingram Female 8 Person Mixed 1 00:49:28 48 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Paula McMeen Ingram Female 8 Person Mixed 2 01:35:20 43 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Kirk McMeen Ingram Male 8 Person Mixed 3 113 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Kirk McMeen Ingram Male 8 Person Mixed 4 02:35:55 111 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Bev Ingram Ingram Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:42:23 57 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Steve Wolf Ingram Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:59:05 67 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Steve Wolf Ingram Male 8 Person Mixed 7 01:29:29 61 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Ira Rosen Ingram Male 8 Person Mixed 8 01:18:21 64 1899-12-31 10:29:56 40 120 179
1999 Sharon MacCoubrey Bean North Female 8 Person Mixed 1 00:53:40 75 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Michael King Bean North Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:50:54 76 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Jesse Devost Bean North Male 8 Person Mixed 3 01:06:22 39 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Colin McDowell Bean North Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:17:20 53 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Kirsten Madsen Bean North Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:51:35 79 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Carl Burgess Bean North Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:58:47 64 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Jill Potter Bean North Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:16:57 24 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Julie Wills Bean North Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:14:22 54 1899-12-31 10:29:57 41 121 179
1999 Ron Veale Pedals n Pipes Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:51:22 60 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Pat Ross Pedals n Pipes Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:31:15 32 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Tom Fairman Pedals n Pipes Male 8 Person Mixed 3 01:31:57 102 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Doug Mayr Pedals n Pipes Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:06:33 13 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Sharon Lazeo Pedals n Pipes Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:46:23 66 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Shayne Fairman Pedals n Pipes Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:51:45 24 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Dorothy Martin Pedals n Pipes Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:36:09 81 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Lisa Ross Pedals n Pipes Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:15:37 57 1899-12-31 10:31:01 42 122 179
1999 Wendy Fendrick Fox Fire Female 4 Person Womens 41 02:07:55 23 10:31:41 6 123 179
1999 Esther Austring Fox Fire Female 4 Person Womens 42 02:54:15 55 10:31:41 6 123 179
1999 Johanne Faulkner Fox Fire Female 4 Person Womens 43 02:45:06 51 10:31:41 6 123 179
1999 Dawna Lewis Fox Fire Female 4 Person Womens 44 02:44:25 52 10:31:41 6 123 179
1999 Dale Gosnell Road Scholars Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:45:09 23 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Lise Paradis Road Scholars Female 8 Person Mixed 2 01:30:55 29 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Greg Huebschen Road Scholars Male 8 Person Mixed 3 00:59:57 20 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Tom Findley Road Scholars Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:37:49 93 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Michele Masuda Road Scholars Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:39:29 46 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Martha Moore Road Scholars Female 8 Person Mixed 6 00:56:51 48 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Dawn Groves-Findley Road Scholars Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:29:44 63 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Carol Ackerson Road Scholars Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:34:34 89 1899-12-31 10:34:28 43 124 179
1999 Suwanee Pickerel The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 1 00:51:13 59 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 Carlann DeFontes The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 2 01:33:24 35 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 Vicki Moy The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 3 01:09:21 48 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 Katie Prime The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 4 01:23:11 66 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 Denise Sager The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 5 01:49:44 72 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 Rebecca Scanlan The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 6 01:05:43 90 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 Marissa Mireur The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 7 01:24:42 47 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 Michelle Glass The Spinach Dips Female 8 Person Womens 8 01:19:27 66 1899-12-31 10:36:45 7 125 179
1999 David Sherstone IFTB No. 3 Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:56:31 85 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Andria Sherstone IFTB No. 3 Female 8 Person Mixed 2 02:04:01 92 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Bruce Chambers IFTB No. 3 Male 8 Person Mixed 3 01:11:00 57 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Frederik Seehusen IFTB No. 3 Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:10:13 25 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Shawn O'Donovan IFTB No. 3 Male 8 Person Mixed 5 01:50:40 77 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Jarett Leslie IFTB No. 3 Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:51:59 26 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Mitchell Leslie IFTB No. 3 Male 8 Person Mixed 7 01:19:58 28 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Georgina Leslie IFTB No. 3 Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:13:00 48 1899-12-31 10:37:22 44 126 179
1999 Paul Beck Bengalls Male 8 Person Mixed 1 00:00:00 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 Theo Cushing Bengalls Male 8 Person Mixed 2 02:27:14 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 Marc Scholten Bengalls Male 8 Person Mixed 3 00:59:34 17 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 John Ingalls Bengalls Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:34:25 90 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 Joyce Levine Bengalls Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:41:22 54 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 Leah Beck Bengalls Male 8 Person Mixed 6 01:08:25 99 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 Lacey Ingalls Bengalls Male 8 Person Mixed 7 01:07:31 7 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 Sadie Ingalls Bengalls Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:38:53 94 1899-12-31 10:37:24 45 127 179
1999 Carol Hughes Sitka Spinners Female 4 Person Mixed 41 02:40:33 50 10:37:51 25 128 179
1999 Shasta Smith Sitka Spinners Female 4 Person Mixed 42 02:24:46 40 10:37:51 25 128 179
1999 Dan Kelliher Sitka Spinners Male 4 Person Mixed 43 02:37:31 47 10:37:51 25 128 179
1999 Martha Robertson Sitka Spinners Female 4 Person Mixed 44 02:55:01 54 10:37:51 25 128 179
1999 Helga Stellbrink YK 2 AK Female 8 Person Mixed 1 00:55:00 79 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 Wanda Robbins YK 2 AK Female 8 Person Mixed 2 01:42:06 57 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 Yteke Visser YK 2 AK Female 8 Person Mixed 3 01:17:02 75 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 Karl Stellbrink YK 2 AK Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:13:15 36 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 Jim Duncan YK 2 AK Male 8 Person Mixed 5 01:39:18 45 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 Dennis Charbanneau YK 2 AK Male 8 Person Mixed 6 00:58:49 65 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 Janet Duncan YK 2 AK Female 8 Person Mixed 7 01:32:42 71 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 Elizabeth Eso YK 2 AK Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:20:09 70 1899-12-31 10:38:21 46 129 179
1999 KC & Jole Wilson Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 1 00:50:25 54 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 KC & Jole Wilson Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 2 01:44:19 63 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 Linda Layfield & Paul Beran Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 3 01:11:14 60 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 Karen Lawfer & Anita Michalovskis Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 4 01:32:01 82 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 Barb & Bill Johnson Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 5 01:54:15 83 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 Chris & Robert Johnson Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 6 00:50:45 21 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 Robert & Julia Johnson Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 7 01:14:11 14 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 Ed & Shirley Nygard Resurrection Riders Two TandeMale Tandem Tandem 8 01:23:35 81 1899-12-31 10:40:45 1 130 179
1999 Lianne Couch Juan's Organic Fine"Grinders" Female 4 Person Womens 41 02:38:53 48 10:41:28 7 131 179
1999 Susan Rubinoff Juan's Organic Fine"Grinders" Female 4 Person Womens 42 02:34:27 46 10:41:28 7 131 179
1999 Ellen Stuart Juan's Organic Fine"Grinders" Female 4 Person Womens 43 02:54:44 54 10:41:28 7 131 179
1999 Julia Szucs Juan's Organic Fine"Grinders" Female 4 Person Womens 44 02:33:24 39 10:41:28 7 131 179
1999 Kathy Gilmore Lazy Ravens Female 4 Person Mixed 41 03:10:35 56 10:41:29 26 132 179
1999 Ray Tucker Lazy Ravens Male 4 Person Mixed 42 02:27:13 41 10:41:29 26 132 179
1999 Mary Egan Lazy Ravens Female 4 Person Mixed 43 02:29:03 38 10:41:29 26 132 179
1999 Priscilla Clarkin Lazy Ravens Female 4 Person Mixed 44 02:34:38 40 10:41:29 26 132 179
1999 Isobel Mocha Blackstone Blends Female 8 Person Mixed 1 00:55:20 83 10:45:24 47 133 179
1999 Randy Hall Blackstone Blends Male 8 Person Mixed 2 01:55:53 84 10:45:24 47 133 179
1999 Jay Cherian Blackstone Blends Female 8 Person Mixed 3 00:51:02 4 10:45:24 47 133 179
1999 Chris Belanger Blackstone Blends Male 8 Person Mixed 4 01:23:48 69 10:45:24 47 133 179
1999 Pam Finch Blackstone Blends Female 8 Person Mixed 5 01:37:47 44 10:45:24 47 133 179
1999 Tracey Ermine Blackstone Blends Female 8 Person Mixed 6 01:11:05 106 10:45:24 47 133 179
1999 Aaron-Red Ogden Blackstone Blends Male 8 Person Mixed 7 01:27:55 53 10:45:24 47 133 179
1999 Natalie Edelson Blackstone Blends Female 8 Person Mixed 8 01:22:34 79 10:45:24 47 133 179
