Volunteer Partners

Thanks to all of our volunteer partners!KCIBR provides over $16,000 to various community organizations which, in turn, help run the event!

The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation oversees the Finish Line.

Donors to Chilkat Valley Community Foundation (CVCF), an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation, are building a local permanent fund to improve the lives of Chilkat Valley residents in areas such as health, youth activities, seniors, arts and culture, education, the environment and community development.  Your donation will directly impact the causes you care about and continue to ensure a bright future for the Chilkat Valley through grants and educational training for nonprofits.  Thanks to generous support from Rasmuson Foundation and The Alaska Community Foundation, all gifts to Endowed Funds will be matched dollar-for-dollar through 2020 (up to $185,000 total).  Learn more about how you can invest in the future of the Chilkat Valley and double your impact through 2020 at chilkatvalleycf.org.

St John Ambulance Fireweed Division has been providing emergency first aid services along the race course for many many years,

Yukon Amateur Radio Association (YARA) has been a volunteer partner of KCIBR for many years. They provide essential emergency and logistical communication support during the event on the Haines Highway.  There are usually over 20 YARA volunteers involved in the event.

The Haines Volunteer Fire Department has been helping out with emergency first aid on the US side of the event for many years.

Hospice of Haines has been overseeing Checkpoint #6 for many years.

The mission of Hospice of Haines is to provide volunteer care and support to the terminally, critically ill and their families to help ensure comfort, dignity, and choice. We also provide education and support to community members regarding the care giving, dying and grieving processes. Find out more: https://www.hospiceofhaines.org/ 

The Haines Friends of Recycling coordinate recycling and landfill diversion efforts at the Finish Line and SE Alaska Fairgrounds.

Haines Friends of Recycling is celebrating over twenty years of providing recycling, recycling education, and waste reduction to the Chilkat Valley. They began in 1999 and thanks to great support from the local community, they continue to be successful.


Volunteers of Haines Hot Shots coordinate the Kids' Fishing Derby on the Sunday morning at the Haines Harbour docks. They have also taken on a new role this year - to manage Checkpoint 7.

Haines Hot Shots is designed to train young people in the safe, responsible use of firearms through the activity of shotgun sports: trap, skeet, and sporting clays.  They teach the fundamentals of shotgun sports, gun safety and range safety with an emphasis on safety and personal responsibility. Haines Hot Shots has operated in Haines since 2014.  The organization is entirely run by volunteers and is open to youth in grades 5th through 12th (ages 10-18).  

Volunteers from the Haines Library assist bikers as they approach and depart US Customs.

The Friends of Haines Borough Library is a 501-C-3 non-profit corporation whose purpose is to maintain an association of persons interested in libraries; to focus public attention on library services, facilities and needs; to stimulate use of library resources and services; to receive and encourage gifts, endowments and bequests to the library; to support and cooperate with the library through volunteer efforts in developing library services and facilities for the community; and to support the freedom to read as expressed in the American Library Association Bill of Rights.

The Fiddleheads will oversee Checkpoint 1 this year.

The Fiddleheads is a youth fiddle ensemble in its 25th year! They rehearse weekly on Mondays from September to April, and study at two intensive retreats with visiting instructors in the fall and at Rendezvous time. The Fiddleheads can be seen and heard performing in their red hoodies at the Rendezvous Fiddle Show, busking at the market, and at a variety of shows and barn dances in Whitehorse and across the Yukon. Near the end of our season, the Fiddleheads travel to Yukon communities to perform and participate in workshops and other cultural activities with local kids.

The Canadian Filipino Association of the Yukon (CFAY) has joined us this year to oversee Checkpoints 3 and 4.

CFAY is a vibrant  and active group that strives to provide support to their community members in a variety of ways. Their mission is to:

  • Assist Filipinos in Canada
  • Promote understanding between Filipinos and Canadians
  • Provide education and training opportunities to members of the Association
  • Organize recreational and cultural activities for members and others.

The Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon (JCAY) has joined us in 2023 to oversee Checkpoint 2.

JCAY is a non-profit organization with about 100 members. They work to promote, preserve and increase the understanding of Japanese culture and language, provide information and support to Japanese newcomers/visitors in the Yukon, organize social and recreational activities, and more...Annual membership is only $10 with a number of services offered such as;

  • Japanese Conversation Class (Japanese as a second language) at various levels
  • Yukon Taiko (Japanese drum ensemble) - always looking for additional members
  • Emergency interpretation service between Japanese and English by an experienced translator
  • PlayCare (parents and children)
  • Children's Japanese School