The Kluane to Chilkat International Bike Relay (KCIBR) event is a bike relay race that allows for solo, two, four and eight-person bike teams.
The KCIBR Mission:
To host an annual international road bike relay from the Yukon to Alaska that is a safe, fun, sustainable, community-oriented event for riders of all abilities, along one of the most scenic and remote roads in the North.
These rules are to help promote our mission. Please help us with our mission by following the rules.
The event takes place on the Haines Highway over 240 kilometres between Haines Junction, YT and Haines, Alaska (the event course), and traverses a variety of topography including steep hill climbs and descents. Weather conditions can vary along the event course including high winds, rain, cold and heat.
At a minimum, participants should be physically fit for the category entered and prepared to encounter varied terrain and weather conditions. Participants must also be prepared and equipped to deal with first aid, weather and motor vehicle emergencies in a remote location along the event course.
Violations of any of the REQUIREMENT rules may result in team disqualification or time penalties as determined by Race Officials.
1. TEAM CAPTAIN: Teams must designate a captain but captains do not have to be a rider.
2. COURTESY: All riders, drivers, and spectators are required to be courteous to fellow riders, volunteers and race officials. Directions and requests of race officials and designated volunteers must be followed.
3. SIGN OFF: Team Captains or their representatives will be required to sign off, when picking up their Race Package, acknowledging that they, and all team members have read, understand and will obey the Race Rules.
All riders are required to view the Virtual Racer Briefing (link to the briefing will be available in late May/early June) prior to picking up the team’s Race Package.
WAIVERS: All riders MUST complete and submit a signed, hard copy waiver (Adult or Youth) at Race Package Pick-Up. There are two locations to choose from:
1) Whitehorse-area Team Captains have the option of Race Package Pick-up on the Tuesday before the event at the Mt. McIntyre Recreation Centre.
2) The second choice is the Friday before the event in Haines Junction. Check the Itinerary page for the location and time details.
Note: All times for Package Pick-Up are Yukon Times.
5. CHECKPOINTS: See Checkpoint and Finish Line Directions. Please follow all traffic control volunteer instructions at every checkpoint.
7. IMPAIRMENT: KCIBR prohibits the use of non-medicinal drugs and alcohol during participation in the event. Participants must not be impaired by drugs or alcohol while riding or driving on the event course.
8. CHANGES TO THE EVENT: Race Officials, in conjunction with the KCIBR Association Board, reserve the right to make last-minute changes to the event including canceling the event if deemed necessary for safety reasons. Possible reasons could include but is not limited to: weather, road conditions, wildfire or wildlife conditions. In the event of changes or cancellations, there are no refunds available. Changes would be communicated as best as possible via the Race Package Pick-up, Start Line and Checkpoint announcements, and local radio media in Whitehorse and Haines.
Regarding riders: Any changes being made to riders or the order of riders are subject to applicable change fees and must be accompanied by appropriate rider information. Changes to riders (team members) will not be accepted without a signed waiver for the new rider and which must be handed in at Package Pick-Up.
Suggestions and Information
A. ROAD CLOSURE: The Haines Highway will be closed on the Saturday as follows:
- Southbound at Dezadeash River bridge in Haines Junction to the 3.8 kilometre highway pullout (top of hill) from 8:15 – 9:15 AM (Yukon Time)
B. LEG 2 RIDER DROP OFF: All Leg 2 riders MUST BE south of the Start Line BEFORE the southbound road closure takes effect at 8:15 AM Yukon Time. Support vehicles are required to go beyond the area of the road closure in order to support riders on Legs 1 and 2.
The southbound road closure extends from the start line to approximately kilometre 3.8 (which is at the beginning of a pull off on the left at the top of a hill). Due to traffic congestion and safety concerns in leg 1, only one support vehicle per team should be active in leg 1 south of the road closure.
There will be restrictive traffic controls in place at Checkpoint 1 and 2. Please refer to the Traffic Control information.
C. START TIMES: Start times are staggered based on team categories (e.g. solos, 2 person teams etc.).
Race Start Times are based on what is felt to be the SAFEST start order. Please remember this is a recreational event with a primary focus on fun, participation, and safety.
See the Itinerary page for Start Times specific to this year.
Note: An attempt at defining types of riders:
Competitive Riders = riders who are training for many months for this event. Please line up at the Start Line.
Recreational Riders = riders who have done some (a few weeks) or little training for this event. Please line up 10-15 metres behind the Start Line.
D. LEG 7 RIDERS: Leg 7 riders MUST STOP AT U.S. CUSTOMS and SHOW PASSPORT ID and other required documents.
E. BORDER CROSSING: Please ensure everyone has their Passports and any other documents required to cross the US and Canadian borders. Ensure passports and any other documentation is ready to provide (in hand) PRIOR to arrival at the border.
F. MANDATORY LEG 8 START TIME: All riders must start riding Leg 8 by 7:00 PM Alaska Time regardless of whether the Leg 7 rider has entered the checkpoint. All times will be adjusted to calculate the total race time. Teams that use the mandatory start time for Leg 8 are not eligible for the Red Lantern award. A Race Official will oversee any mandatory Leg 8 Starts.
G. ‘BLUE TEAM TIME SHEETS’: All team progress MUST be monitored by the team itself during the race and recorded on the ‘Blue Team Time Sheet’, including competitor names and leg times, and any rider substitutions. Team Captains must hand in the ‘Blue Team Time Sheet’ at the FINISH LINE AREA completely and clearly filled out within 30 minutes of finishing the event. These ‘Blue Sheets’ serve to sign off your team and are required for any queries, disputes, protests, or category awards. If a timing stick is lost during the race, your team WILL NOT be issued a replacement. Therefore, recording each individual’s time is essential for accurate race results.
H. RACE FINISH CLOSURE: The race finish area will officially close at 9:00 PM Alaska time. Teams finishing after this time will not get an official result.
I. ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AT BANQUET IN HAINES: Alcoholic beverages can only be consumed in the designated areas which may be adjacent to the finish line if there is a beer garden there and at banquet supper area. Please respect local bylaws if you are consuming alcoholic beverages.
J. PORTA POTTIES / OUTHOUSES: There are porta potties or outhouses in every checkpoint. Please try to use these when traveling along the highway to minimize the impact on the natural environment.