Leg 7 (37.5 km / 23.3 miles)

This leg continues the downhill ride to sea level, with a long steep downhill winding into the Klehini Valley. Be careful though and ride in control as Canadian Customs at Pleasant Camp and Dalton Cache US Customs come up very quickly shortly after leaving Checkpoint 6. Everyone, riders included (and with their U.S. approved ID), must stop to clear US Customs.

As riders ride out of the thick rainforest the descent levels out somewhat and they begin to see the mountains and hanging glaciers on the far side of the Klehini Valley on the right.

At about 7 km from Checkpoint 7 be prepared for a gentle 3 km climb prior to a descending sprint to the finish.

All Leg 7 riders on 8-person teams must enter Checkpoint 7 and dip their timing stick.

A Race Official will oversee the mandatory start for Leg 8 riders at 7:00 PM Alaska time if it is required.