For riders who like descents, this ride is for them. This route drops riders 200 vertical metres down from Haines summit to the beginning of a steep 100 vertical metre climb up past the 3 Guardsmen. Along the way, the Klehini Valley begins on the right and affords some spectacular glacier views.
This is followed by a glorious 600 vertical metres drop to Checkpoint 6. The route takes riders down a long and winding downhill as it descends rapidly from an alpine climate into the coastal rainforests. The ride ends with a nice sprint climb up to Checkpoint 6 at the top of the hill on a road corner.
Parking is allowed after the checkpoint but the road is very narrow. You may need to walk a long way to get back to the checkpoint once you’ve parked. Please pay close attention to volunteers directing traffic in and out of the checkpoint area parking.
Leg 6 riders on 4 and 8-person teams enter Checkpoint 6 to dip their timing stick.