Itinerary 2025

Note: Times are Yukon Time for all Canadian locations and Alaska Time for all US locations (5:00 PM Yukon time is 4:00 PM Alaska Time)


March 14, 2025 – On-line Registration opens at 9:00 AM Yukon Time

It is recommended that teams register early, as this event sells out quickly. There is an overall registration limit of 1,200 riders and 95 8-person teams. Regardless of a sellout, solo riders can continue to register until the May 19 2025 Final Registration deadline. Go to the Registration Tab to read all of the registration details and link to the on-line registration page. You can also order rider shirts as part of your team registration.


Friday, April 4, 2025 – Rider keepsake ordering ends

After this date, shirts are no longer available for order. See registration tab for details on the shirts. Ideally, you ordered them when registering your team. Use the t-shirt ordering platform if you need to add shirts after registering your team. See the Registration tab for information on the shirts and how to add shirts after registering your team before the April 4 deadline.


Friday, May 9, 2025 – Solo registration ends 

Solo registration closes. Two, four and eight person teams usually fill up long before this final date, so don’t wait until this date to register. Registered teams can continue to make online changes.


Friday, June 6, 2025 – Deadline for Team Captains making on-line changes

Team Captains can make changes to riders and legs online up to and including this date by logging into the registration platform with their user ID and password.
If you’ve forgotten your password, use the Forgot Password mechanism on the website.
Any changes after this date can only be made at package pick-ups and will involve change fees.
If you have problems making on-line changes, contact the Race Coordinator before the June 6 deadline.


Tuesday, June 17, 2025 at 6 PM Yukon Time – Whitehorse: Mt. McIntyre Recreation Centre (1 Sumanik Dr.) – Whitehorse X.C. Ski Club Wax Room5


Whitehorse-based teams: Race Package Pick-Up

  • Whitehorse-area teams can attend Race Package Pick-up from 6:00 – 8:00 PM
    Note: In place of an in-person Captain’s Meeting, all teams must view the Virtual Racer Briefing in order to receive their Race Package. This Briefing will be available prior to the race.
    Any last-minute updates will be sent via email.
  • A completed set of signed waivers must be handed in by a team representative to pick up the race package. Waivers can be downloaded and printed from the Registration tab.
  • Any last-minute changes must be made here when picking up the race package.
    Teams will be charged $20.00 for each change/addition. Payment is by U.S. or Cdn cash or cheque only.
  • You CANNOT make changes after you pick up your race package.


Friday, June 20, 2025 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM Yukon Time – Convention Center, Haines Junction, YT

  • All registered teams that did not pick up their race package on Tuesday night in Whitehorse must pick it up between 6:00 and 8:00 PM in Haines Junction.
    Note: In place of an in-person Captain’s Meeting, all teams must view the Virtual Racer Briefing in order to receive their Race Package.
    Any last-minute updates will be sent via email.
  • A completed set of signed waivers must be handed in by a team representative to pick up the race package. Waivers can be downloaded and printed from the Registration tab.
    Any last-minute changes must be made here when picking up the race package.
    Teams will be charged $20.00 for each change/addition. Payment is by U.S. or Cdn cash or cheque only.
  • You CANNOT make changes after you pick up your race package.


Saturday, June 21, 2025  8:00 – 10:00 AM Yukon Time 

Road and lane closure
Start Line
:  Southbound Traffic: The Haines Hwy to Haines, Alaska, will be closed to southbound traffic at Haines Junction from 8:15 AM until 9:15 AM Yukon Time. All support vehicles supporting riders on legs 1 and 2 MUST be through the start area prior to the road closure. There will be no vehicles allowed from the start line to the 1st pull-out at the top of the hill on the left (about 3.8 km from the start). Northbound traffic from the 3.8 km pullout will be stopped while riders are in this section of the road. Once you are past the traffic control at the 3.8 pull-out, TWO-WAY vehicle traffic resumes.

Checkpoint 1: There is one-lane traffic control around Checkpoint 1 from approximately 8:45 AM – 10:15 AM. There will be occasional releases of northbound traffic as needed. Follow signs directing vehicles into the left lane while riders stay in the right lane past Checkpoint 1. Once you are past this traffic control, TWO-WAY vehicle traffic resumes. See Checkpoint 1 Traffic Control page.

Checkpoint 2: There is one-lane traffic control at Checkpoint 2 from approximately 10:15 AM – 11:30 AM. There will be occasional releases of northbound traffic as needed. Follow signs directing vehicles into the left lane while riders stay in the right lane past checkpoint 1.  Once you are past this checkpoint, TWO-WAY vehicle traffic resumes!  See Checkpoint 2 Traffic Control page.


Saturday, June 21, 2025 (Yukon Time)

Race Start – Just before the Dezadeash River bridge, Haines Junction
Race Start Times (Note: The start order is based on what is felt to be the SAFEST start order.  Please remember, this is a recreational event with a primary focus on fun, participation, and safety.)


**** 2025 RACE START TIMES ****

  • 8:45 (4-PERSON TEAMS) and
  • 9:00 (8-PERSON TEAMS)

Note: An attempt at defining types of riders….

  • Competitive Riders = riders who are training for many months for this event.  Please line up at the Start Line.
  • Recreational Riders = riders who have done some (a few weeks) or little training for this event. Please line up 10-15 metres behind the Start Line.


Saturday, June 21, 2025  7:00 PM Alaska Time

Mandatory Start at Checkpoint 7 – Leg 8 Riders
Leg 8 riders will have at least two hours to ride Leg 8, since the latest they can start the leg is 7:00 PM Alaska Time. All leg 8 riders must leave Checkpoint 7 by 7:00 PM Alaska Time at the latest. Leg 8 riders still waiting for Leg 7 riders to finish will start together at 7:00 PM. The checkpoint will remain open for Leg 7 riders to finish. We recommend that the Leg 8 rider is not riding the same bike as the Leg 7 rider so that all leg 8 riders can start by this mandatory start time.


Saturday, June 21, 2025     2:00 PM – 9:00 PM Alaska Time

Race Finish
The race finishes between approximately 2:00 PM and exactly 9:00 PM Alaska Time at the Parade Grounds, Fort Seward Barracks, Haines, Alaska. The race finish area will officially close at 9:00 PM Alaska Time. If you have a rider still riding at this time, please pick them up and bring them and their timing stick to the Finish Line. Riders who are not finished by 9:00 PM will not get an official time but will not be disqualified. They will not be eligible for the Red Lantern award. Teams that start their Leg 8 rider at the Mandatory Start time will not be eligible for the Red Lantern award.

‘Blue Team Time Sheets’ should be handed in at the Finish Line within 30 minutes after your team has finished the race. They are the only backup for timing and results. ‘Blue Team Time Sheets’ are required for Timing & Results Officials to consider any queries, disputes, protests or category awards.


Saturday, June 21, 2025  5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Alaska Time

Banquet at the SE Alaska State Fairgrounds
This year’s Saturday night banquet is at the Southeast Alaska State Fairgrounds which is walking distance from the Finish Line. Teams will receive supper tickets in their race package. Friends and guests can attend by donating a minimum of $5.00 US at the door. If alcoholic beverages are sold, they can only be consumed in the designated areas. Please respect local bylaws if you are consuming alcoholic beverages. Please use the designated receptacles for recyclables and garbage and please don’t leave a mess!


Saturday, June 21, 2025 

Awards Ceremony
Preliminary rider awards will be announced during the afternoon and evening at the Finish Line. Ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams can be picked up at the Finish Line. Any protests or concerns must be brought to Result Officials at the Finish Line prior to 8:00 PM Alaska Time. The Red Lantern Award will be given out just after 9:00 PM.


Sunday, June 22, 2025  9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Alaska Time

Free Kids Fishing Derby
Annual Free Kids’ Fishing Derby for those under 15 at the Haines docks. Catch and release. Sponsored by Haines Hotshots.