Please read this page carefully before registering your team.
Team Size and Type
When registering for the bike relay you will need to indicate how many riders are in your team and what category (solo, 2-person, 4-person, 8-person). There is an overall registration limit of 1,200 riders and [95] 8-person teams. This event fills very quickly. Regardless of a sell-out, solo riders can continue to register until the May 9, 2025 Final Registration deadline.
Team Size
- Solo: 1 rider – female or male or open gender
- 2-person: 2 riders – female, male, mixed or open gender
- 4-person: 3 or 4 riders – female, male, mixed or open gender
- 8-person: 5, 6, 7, or 8 riders – female, male, mixed or open gender
Team Type
- Team gender is determined by the combined gender of rider(s) when registering.
Bike Types
- Most riders use mountain, road, or hybrid bikes.
- Recumbent and tandem bikes are allowed but must be used by every rider on a team.
- Recumbent bikes can only draft with recumbent bikes and tandem bikes can only draft with tandem bikes.
- E bikes are allowed on 8-person teams ONLY but are not required for every rider on that team.
- Any 8-person team with an e bike may not place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for their category.
- E bikes may only draft with e bikes. No other bikes may draft an e bike.
- Aerobars and disc wheels are not allowed (see Rules sections for complete rules details).
Solo Teams
- A solo rider must ride all 8 legs (1 through 8).
- Solo riders must dip their timing sticks at the Finish Line.
- Solo Snack Stop: Icycle Sports (a KCIBR sponsor) will be providing snacks for solo riders at Checkpoints 3 and 5.
- If stopping for snacks, do not go through the timing portals and do NOT dip your timing stick. LOOK FOR THE SOLO SUPPORT SIGN BETWEEN THE HIGHWAY AND THE CHECKPOINT CHUTE
2-Person Teams
- Riders on a 2-person team must ride four consecutive legs. Changing of riders can only take place at checkpoint 4
- Leg Configuration:
There is only one valid configuration:
Rider 1 – Leg 1, 2, 3, and 4
Rider 2 – Leg 5, 6, 7, and 8 - Riders of 2-person teams only enter and must dip their timing stick at Checkpoint 4 and at the Finish Line or risk being disqualified. Riders must not dip their stick at other checkpoints.
4-Person Teams
- Teams may use three or four riders.
- Riders must ride a minimum of 2 legs and each pair of legs must start at an odd number. Riders cannot ride 3 legs.
Regular configuration: Also allowed (for example): OR (for example):
Rider 1 – Leg 1 & 2 Rider 1 – Leg 1, 2, 3, and 4 Rider 1 – Leg 1 & 2 & 7 & 8
Rider 2 – Leg 3 & 4 Rider 2 – Leg 5 & 6 Rider 2 – Leg 3 & 4
Rider 3 – Leg 5 & 6 Rider 3 – Leg 7 & 8 Rider 3 – Leg 5 & 6
Rider 4 – Leg 7 & 8
- Riders MUST stop at Checkpoints 2, 4, and 6, where the exchange occurs and at the Finish Line (Checkpoint 8).
- Regardless of legs ridden, 4-person teams only enter and must dip their timing sticks at Checkpoints 2, 4, and 6 and at the Finish Line or risk being disqualified. Riders must not dip their stick at other checkpoints.
- Teams registering 3 riders will pay the full 4 Person Team fee.
- Start Line Coat Drop for Leg 1 riders; if you need to have an extra layer on while waiting for your start on Leg 1 (yet your support vehicle went south before the road closed), you can drop your coat/layer at the Start Line before your 9:00 AM start. You must pick it up at Checkpoint 2.
8-Person Teams
- Teams may use five to eight riders
- Riders on an 8-person team can ride one or more legs. Legs ridden do not need to be consecutive. Changing of riders can only take place at checkpoints.
- E bikes are allowed on 8-person teams
- Any 8-person team with an e bike may not place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for their category.
- Regardless of legs ridden, 8-person teams enter and must dip their timing sticks at all checkpoints and the Finish Line or risk being disqualified.
- Teams will not receive a formal time if checkpoints are missed.
- Teams registering less than 8 riders will still pay the full 8-Person Team fee.
2025 Registration Fees
Regular registration fee: March 14 – May 9, 2025 (or when the race fills) – $100 per rider for a team (including taxes in CDN $)
Registration fees are based on your team size (solo, 2-person, 4-person, 8-person) and not on the actual number of riders on your team (this is relevant for 4 and 8-person teams only).
Team Type | Regular fee March 14 – May 9, 2025
Solo | $100.00 |
2-person | $200.00 |
4-person | $400.00 |
8-person | $800.00 |
PLEASE NOTE: Your registration fee:
- Does NOT include a rider shirt or other merchandise. If you want any shirts, you must purchase them in addition to your team registration. You can make these optional purchases when registering your team.
A reminder: the deadline to order shirts is April 4, 2025. - DOES include one ticket per rider to the Saturday night supper (which will be at the SE Alaska Fairground this year which is walking distance from the Finish Line).
Waivers & Blue Team Time Sheets
A team representative must bring a completed and signed waiver for each member of their team in order to pick up their race package on the Tuesday (Whitehorse) or Friday (Haines Junction) night prior to the event (see Itinerary schedule for details). The Adult and Youth Waiver is available for download. It is the adult (19 and older) and youth (under 19) waivers combined as one document. Print copies for each rider of whichever waiver(s) you need.
A ‘Blue Team Time Sheet’ (which is blue) will be in each race package. Teams fill in which rider actually rode each leg and their approximate times. KCIBR uses these as a backup in case a timing stick does not record a time at a checkpoint. ‘Blue Team Time Sheets’ MUST be handed in within 30 minutes after the Leg 8 rider crosses the Finish Line in Haines. ‘Blue Team Time Sheets’ are required for Timing & Results Officials to consider any queries, disputes, protests or category awards.
Optional Keepsake Shirt to Purchase When Registering Your Team
Rider shirts cost $25.00 each. All taxes are included. They are a bamboo blend shirt made by Jerico, styles 55 (Mens) and 56 (Womens). The colour is “slate blue”. There will be a very limited number of shirts available at package pickup. If you want a shirt, it is best to pre-order it when you register your team. There is also a mechanism to order a shirt after you registered your team but before the April 4 t-shirt ordering deadline.
Chest is measured 1″ below armhole and length is measured from top neckline of the back.
Mens Style 55 Sizing Chart
(inches) | XS | S | M | L | XL | XXL | XXXL |
Chest | 34 | 37 | 41 | 44 | 47 | 50 | 53 |
Length | 24.5 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 31.5 | 33 |
Womens Style 56 Sizing Chart
(inches) | XS | S | M | L | XL | XXL | XXXL |
Chest | 32 | 34 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 |
Length | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
Saturday Night Supper Tickets
This year’s Saturday night supper is included in the registration fee and will take place from 5:00 – 9:00 PM (AK time) at the SE Alaska Fairgrounds which is walking distance from the Finish Line. The menu includes fresh salmon, salads, and desserts. Team registrations include 1 supper ticket per rider size of team (solo=1, 2-person=2, 4-person=4, 8-person=8) regardless of how many riders are actually on your team. Additional supper tickets can be purchased at the door by minimum donation of $5 US.
Making Changes After Your Team Is Registered
- Team captains will be able to log back in to make changes to riders after your team is registered, if needed, until June 6, 2025. Please log in at www.karelo.com. If you have difficulty making changes, please email KCIBR (registration@kcibr.org and race.coord@kcibr.org) before June 6, 2025. If you are adding riders (e.g. you registered 5 riders on your 8 person team and you now want to add one more rider), you will need to email KCIBR (registration@kcibr.org and race.coord@kcibr.org). If emailing KCIBR, please include your Karelo team registration number.
- T-shirt orders close on April 4, 2025. If you need to ADD shirts after your team is registered, see the link at the bottom of this page.
- After June 6, 2025, change fees come into effect at $20 per individual change and must be made in person at the Whitehorse or Haines Junction race package pickup. Please do not leave changes to the last minute if at all possible. Payment will be by cash or cheque in US or CND currency at Race Package Pick-up.
- Refunds are not available for this event. If your team can no longer ride, you may be able to “sell” your team to another interested party. Please refer to the KCIBR Facebook page for people looking to buy a team. Please contact KCIBR (registration@kcibr.org and race.coord@kcibr.org) if your team can no longer ride or if you have found a buyer for your team.
Registration link: LINK WILL BE SHARED.
Link for additional merchandise which closes at midnight Yukon Time on April 4, 2025: LINK WILL BE SHARED.