Border Information

Border Entry Requirements for Riders and Teams

Border Information

KCIBR tries to provide the most current and accurate information regarding Canadian and U.S. borders crossings. However, individuals are ultimately responsible for making sure they are in compliance with Canadian and U.S. laws.

U.S. Border staff are hoping to keep wait times as short as possible BUT leave as much time as possible to cross the border.

All Leg 8 riders and support should be heading to the U.S. border as the Leg 6 riders begin their ride (or sooner).

All drivers must have all required IDs in their hand at the U.S. Border.

Border Entry Requirements for Riders

All riders who cross the U.S.-Canada border will be required to stop and show identification (a Passport, some exceptions noted below) to a U.S. Customs Officer. This includes all Leg 7 riders on solo, two, four and eight-person teams.

Radiation Portals at the Dalton Cache U.S. Border scan all vehicles for the presence of radioactive materials. Anyone who has had medical tests and/or treatments involving radioactive material may face a short delay. While riders do not have to pass through the portal, it is suggested that the Leg 7 rider NOT fall into this category.  Please call Dalton Cache U.S. Customs at 907-767-5511 for information on how to speed up customs clearance.


Rider Procedure at Border

·         Bike riders DO NOT have to go through the radiation portals at U.S. customs, but must get off their bikes at the portal. There will be 2 to 3 volunteers slowing and stopping riders at the radiation portals.

·         Riders will enter the bike lane at US customs, dismount, walk/jog to the customs officer to present their ID, get cleared and then ride off. Riders must line up in order of arrival; passing is not allowed in the bike lane.

·         A rider without required ID at this point will not be allowed to proceed.

·         All other team members will stop at the border in their vehicles, present passports, and clear customs in the usual manner.


Border Entry Requirements For Support Vehicles and Other Drivers

U.S. Customs will have extra officers and 2 lanes to expedite border crossing. Drivers of vehicles MUST have ALL passports for the passengers in their vehicle in their hand and be ready to pass to the customs officer. Failure to follow this procedure will result in the vehicle being directed to a holding area and the occupants may experience lengthy delays in waiting for clearance.

U.S. Customs would also like to advise riders and support vehicles that most delays and long waiting times in the last few years have been caused by drivers and passengers who wait until they are stopped before looking for their ID papers.


Acceptable Identification

Passports will be mandatory identification for anyone crossing the border into the U.S. and into Canada.  There are limited exceptions for U.S. residents – active Military, Landed Immigrants, and some other cases.


If you need additional information or clarity about your personal situation call the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection – Dalton Cache at 907-767-5511 or go to and click on the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.

For Canada Border Security Agency information at Camp Pleasant, call 907-767-5540 or go


Customs Hours of Operation

If you plan to cross the border at night be aware that U.S. and Canada Customs may be closed.  Hours are as follows:

  • Northbound from Haines – Canada Border Security Agency at Pleasant Camp  –  8:00 a.m. to midnight (Pacific Time)  all year
  • Southbound from Haines Junction – U.S. Customs and Border Protection at Dalton Cache – 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Alaska Time) all year .


Minors Crossing the U.S. Border

There has been a question about special requirements for minors (youth under the legal age) crossing the border without a parent present.

U.S. customs has provided the following advice:

1.  There is no requirement for a letter from parents and there should not be a problem for riders crossing the U.S. border without a parent.
 However; for minors travelling across the border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) strongly recommends that unless the child is accompanied by both parents, the adult have a note from the child’s other parent (or, in the case of a child traveling with grandparents, uncles or aunts, sisters or brothers, friends, or in groups*, a note signed by both parents) stating “I acknowledge that my wife/husband/etc. is traveling out of the country with my son/daughter/group. He/She/They has/have my permission to do so.”

While CBP may not ask to see this documentation, if they do ask, and you do not have it, you may be detained until the circumstances of the child traveling without both parents can be fully assessed. If there is no second parent with legal claims to the child (deceased, sole custody, etc.) any other relevant paperwork, such as a court decision, birth certificate naming only one parent, death certificate, etc., would be useful.

2.  Any rider that is age 16 and older will require a passport and will have to present it at the border, like any other rider.

3.  If a 15 year old or younger is riding Leg 7, he/she will need a passport OR birth certificate and a photo ID (may be a state or province issued ID or a school ID).

4.  Under age riders who are crossing the border in a vehicle should have the same ID as listed in item 3.

5.  It is recommended that the under-age riders have a letter from their parents advising that the minors have permission from their parents to cross the border

For more information go to:

Minors Crossing the Canadian Border

Minor children 15 years of age and under travelling by land or by sea may enter Canada with a valid passport or their U.S. or Canadian birth certificate.

It is strongly recommend that children travelling across the border carry a consent letter proving they have permission to travel from every person with the legal right to make major decisions on their behalf, if that person is not accompanying the children on the trip.

For example, children travelling alone, with groups or with only one custodial parent should travel with a consent letter.

Please visit website to download a sample letter of consent.


Food, You and The Border



Food Imported into the U.S. from Canada

Fruits and vegetables grown in Canada are generally admissible to the U.S., if they have labels identifying them as products of Canada.

Fruits and vegetables merely purchased in Canada are not necessarily admissible, e.g. citrus or tropical fruits such as mangos, which clearly were not grown in Canada because it does not have a climate that supports those crops. Labeled bananas from Central and South America must be inspected prior to entry and will cause a border-crossing delay.

Most other fruit and meat must have U.S. labeling and/or must be in season in Canada.  For example: grapes in the spring aren’t in season in Canada and are therefore prohibited.

Food products from Canada, including pet food and fresh (frozen or chilled), cooked, canned or otherwise processed products containing beef, veal, bison, and cervid (e.g. deer, elk, moose, caribou etc.) are now permitted from Canada in passenger baggage.  Food products should be commercially packaged and sealed with ingredients listed in English.

Products containing sheep, lamb, or goat will not be allowed entry.

The following is from the U.S. Agriculture Inspector:

•   Sheep or goat meat of any sort (dried, raw, or cooked) is prohibited

•   Dried, raw, or cooked chicken, beef, and pork products are enterable. This includes eggs and pet food.

•   All whole fruits and vegetables are subject to inspection and must have proof of origin (i.e. packaging, labeling) to determine admissibility.

•   Most sliced fruits are admissible following inspection. Fresh sliced citrus (e.g. grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges) and peaches are prohibited.

•   All items with proof of U.S. origin are admissible, except tomatoes and peppers.

•   Commodity admissibility is subject to change depending on changes in exotic pest risk or disease status.

For further information on importing food into the U.S. go to:…


Food Imported into Canada from the U.S.

This is a list of commonly imported food, animal and plant products and the guidelines for importing them from the United States.

Baked Goods, candies, etc.

•   no goods containing meat

•   up to 20 kilograms per person

Dairy products (e.g.: cheese, milk, yogurt, butter)

•   up to 20 kilograms per person

Please note that quantities in excess of $20.00 may be subject to high rates of duty. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for determining customs and duties for items coming into Canada.

Fruits and vegetables, including herbs: dried

•   up to 15 packages per person

•   but not more than 250 kilograms

Fruits and vegetables, including herbs: frozen or canned fruits

•   up to 15 frozen packages or 15 cans per person

•   but not more than 250 kilograms

•   vegetables

•   up to 20 kilograms of frozen or chilled vegetables per person

Fruits and vegetables: fresh

•   one bag up to 4 kilograms of US number 1 potatoes per person and the bag must be commercially packaged

•   15 packages or less up to 250 kilograms of fresh fruits and vegetables per person (excluding potatoes)

•   must be free from soil, pests, leaves, branches and/or plant debris

•   some restrictions on some fresh fruit and vegetables from California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

•   in British Columbia (BC): restrictions on fresh apples, stone fruit and potatoes

Meat and poultry products (for example, jerky, sausages, deli meats and patties, fois gras)

•   up to 20 kilograms per person

•   packages must have identifying marks, indicating what the product is

•   proof of country of origin may be required

•   Meat and poultry: fresh, frozen and chilled

•   up to 20 kilograms per person

•   one turkey per person

•     packages must have identifying marks, indicating what the product isproof of country of origin may be required

Because pest and disease situations are constantly changing, these requirements may be adjusted at any time.

For further information on importing food into Canada go to: